Ariana Grande concert suicide bomber was well traveled; father was Libya militant

We now know the family name was actually Al-Obeidi, not Abedi.  Salman had military experience.  His father Ramadan Al-Obeidi, a former master sergeant in the Libyan army, was unquestionably a huge influence on him.  But there is no evidence at this time that the father intended his son for martyrdom.

Tutte le ombre dell’attentato di Manchester: la vita jihadista di papà Abedi sotto gli occhi degli 007 inglesi

More important information is accumulating on Salman Abedi.  In particular, the importance of his international travel, and the importance of the influence of his father, continue to be apparent.  He is described as being capable of being respectful.  Additionally, he has a strong element of being self-taught.

How Manchester bomber Salman Abedi was radicalised by his links to Libya

Details are emerging about Salman Abedi, the Manchester suicide bomber.  Salman was British born and raised.  He was the son of a militant who had returned to Libya to fight to overthrow Muammar

Ghaddafi.  And, he had traveled frequently outside Britain, including to the Middle East and as recently as last month, to Libya.

These are the key traits of the terrorist profile that we see in Salman Abedi, based on media reports to date.
